RHTemp101A Data Logger - RHTemp101A

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SKU RHTemp101A

Note: The IFC200 Interface is a required purchase for this device. 

The RHTemp101A offers a 10 year battery life, a 1 second reading rate, a multiple start/stop function, ultra-high speed download capability, 500,000 readings per channel storage capacity, optional memory wrap, battery life indicator, optional password protection, programmable high-low humidity alarms and more.

Using the MadgeTech Software, starting, stopping and downloading from the RHTemp101A is simple and easy. Graphical, tabular and summary data is provided for analysis and data can be viewed in °C, °F, K,°R, %RH, mg/ml water vapor concentration and dew point. The data can also be automatically exported to Excel® for further calculations.

MadgeTech offers free firmware upgrades for the life of the product so that data loggers already deployed in the field can grow with the technology. Units do not need to be returned to the factory for upgrades. The user can do this automatically from any PC.

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