Ultra Low Temperature Data Logging System - ULT90-15


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SKU ULT90-15

MadgeTech's Ultra Low Temperature Freezer Validation System can measure and log data as low as -86 °C. It can be placed in small and large freezers of varying configurations. The system provides a complete stand-alone temperature mapping and validation solution for freezers to ensure uniform storage and testing conditions.

The ULT90 includes a USB docking station with 6 feet of cable (IFC300), 15 Cryo-Temp data loggers, and MadgeTech's Secure Software and IQ/OQ/PQ validation protocols, aiding compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11.

For larger freezers, loggers can be plotted in one graph to show variances in different parts of the freezer. Finally, as failure to monitor external freezer temperatures may invalidate internal freezer temperatures, an additional Cryo-Temp can be included for placement outside of the freezer.

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