Temperature Probe Data Logger with LCD screen. Includes Temperature Calibration Certificate - EL-USB-TP-LCD CAL-T

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This standalone data logger measures and stores up to 32,510 temperature readings from the supplied thermistor probe which is attached via the socket at the base of the unit. The user can easily set up the logging rate and start-time, and download the stored data by plugging the data logger into a PC’s USB port and running the purpose designed software under Windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8. Data can then be graphed, printed and exported to other applications.

The EL-USB-TP-LCD features an LCD and push-button which allows the user to cycle through the most recent, highest and lowest stored temperature readings. The data logger is supplied complete with a long-life lithium battery, which can typically allow logging for over a year.


• -40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F) probe measurement range
• High contrast LCD with temperature display
• USB interface for set-up and data download
• Immediate, delayed and push-to-start logging
• Supplied with 1.0m type 2 sensor probe
• Includes calibration certificate for temperature

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