PanelPilot 2.4” Programmable TFT Panel Meter - SGD 24-M

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The SGD 24-M is PanelPilot compatible graphics display with a 320 x 240 pixel colour display and USB programming interface. Using PanelPilot for Windows software users are able to choose from an ever increasing number of configurations which can then be customized for their needs. Types of meters available include 4 digit voltmeters, bar-graphs and analogue style meters. Colors, text labels and scaling can be customized by the user using the software.


• 2.4” TFT colour screen
• Programmable with USB interface
• Simple panel mounting solution
• Wide operating voltage of 4 to 30Vd.c.
• Measures voltages from 0 to 40Vd.c.


• Accuracy (overall error): 0.05 to 0.1 % (±1 count)
• Linearity: ±1count
• Sample rate: 3 samples/sec
• Operating temperature range: 0 to 40 °C
• Temperature stability: 100 ppm/°C
• Supply voltage (V+ to 0V): 4 to 30 V d.c.
• Supply current: 95 uA
• Measurement voltage: 40 V d.c.

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