Large 4-20mA Loop Powered LCD Meter with Red/Green Programmable Backlighting - DPM 942-FPSI

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The DPM 950S-FPSI is a standard 3.5 Digit LCD Voltmeter that can also be used as a dual colour go-stop display. This functionality is ideal for simplifying monitoring applications, where an operator needs to know the status of the equipment at a glance.

During standard operation the back-light is green, however if the reading goes outside the user programmable thresholds, the display will turn red. The user can then read off the actual value from the display and take corrective action. 3 open collector outputs are included, that indicate high, ok and low conditions.

Both the back-light color and outputs can be inverted independently. Module setup is a simple operation, using a six-way DIP switch and two push buttons. No special tools or equipment are required.


• 19mm (0.75”) digit height
• Dual colour backlight with programmable status indication
• Open collector outputs that mirror the backlight status (with inverted output option)
• 5V supply voltage
• 4-20mA measurement range


• Accuracy (overall error): 0.05 to 0.1 % (±1 count)
• Linearity: ±1count
• Sample rate: 3 samples/sec
• Operating temperature range: 0 to 50 °C
• Temperature stability: 100 ppm/°C
• Supply voltage: 4.5 to 5.5 V d.c.
• Supply current (excluding backlight): 500 mA
• Back-light supply current: 35 mA
• Input leakage current (Vin = 0V): 10 pA

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