Splash-Proof Ultra Low Profile LED Voltmeter, 12 Pin Version - SP 100

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SKU SP 100
This ultra low profile panel meter features a 3½ digit LED display with 9.4mm (0.37") digit height. With 200mV d.c. full scale reading, auto-zero and auto-polarity, this meter plugs directly into two 6-way SIL sockets and can be fitted into a panel via the fixing clip. Splash-proof protection is achieved by fitting the seal supplied. The SP 100 is a low cost, popular part, normally stocked in high quantity and suitable for new designs.


- Accuracy (overall error): 0.1 % (±1 count)
- Operating temperature: 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F)
- Sample rate: 2.5 samples/sec
- Supply Voltage: 4.75 to 5.25 V d.c.
- Supply Current: 50 to 90 mA

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